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Contentbox headline


Words Description
!aol Buy amulet of loss
!autoloot on/off/all Toggle autoloot, all for including bosses.
!balance Shows bank balance in server log
!bless Buys blessings
!bp Buys a backpack
!buyhouse Stand in front of a house to buy it
!checkvip, !vip Checks VIP status of account
!commands Buy AoL
!deposit amount Deposits money to bank
!emote on/off Toggle emote spells
!flask on/off Toggle keeping flasks
!hiddenshop on/off Toggles the hiddenshop sell offers
!leavehouse Leaves your house at next server save
!online Gives details about online players
!refill Refills your chargeable items
!reward One time reward for new players
!sellhouse Sells your house
!serverinfo Shows information about the server
!time Shows you the in-game time
!transfer name, amount Transfers gold told to a specific player
!withdraw amount Withdraws the amount



Creature of the Day Boss of the Day Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Level: 3261 / Royal Paladin
Level: 3000 / Royal Paladin
Level: 2735 / Elite Knight
Mike Tyson
Level: 2634 / Elite Knight
Level: 2553 / Elite Knight
Server Save
Countdown to server save
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Liberty Bay